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Shallow Water Boat
by aquawatt

Shallow Water Boat

A Special Development for Lake Neusiedl. Also a Solution for Authorities, Water Rescue, Fishermen, and Cottage Owners.


8 Fotos

Only 15 cm draft!
The shallow water boat is robustly built from 2 mm aluminum, welded.
This boat handles the lowest water levels.
Full motor operation at a water depth of 30 cm.
Hydraulic motor lift, internal cooling water circulation.
Emission-free three-phase electric drive and the latest lithium battery technology with very low weight.

Technical Data:

  • Length: 5 meters (5.5 meters with motor)
  • Width: 1.95 m
  • Total weight equipped: 560 kg
  • Minimum draft: 15 cm, Maximum draft: 45 cm
  • Digital display for all battery data on the dashboard
  • On-board charger for 230V shore power, 2 kW
  • Hydraulic steering
  • Navigation lights, 12V socket, man-overboard switch, RCD circuit breaker, 10m shore power cable with CEE plug
  • GPS speed and course display
  • Full cover, seat upholstery, Bimini sunshade, swim ladder, mahogany steering wheel, rod holders
  • Hydraulic fluid HEES standard, rapidly biodegradable
  • CE certified for area C operation

With the fully raised motor, nothing extends beyond the boat's bottom.
This allows the boat to be pulled or pushed over sandbanks and mudflats.
Can easily run aground in tidal waters.
Can be placed directly on the ground.

13 kW Emission-free Electric Motor
Speed: 12 knots
Canal speed: 6 knots

Representation for Lake Neusiedl:
Conzens Nautics, Dieter Zens
Neunkirchnerstr. 6
2624 Breitenau am Steinfeld
Tel. +43 664 5155 417

aquawatt Mechatronik und Yachtbau
Dieter Seebacher
Wasserstraße 1
A-9062 Moosburg, Austria
Icon Fax+43 4272 82 257